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Welgevonden Estate: Special newsletter: 10 February 2023

Dear Welgevonden Estate Homeowners and Residents

Welgevonden Estate speed limit reduced

Excom hereby gives notice in terms of Clause 59A.1.2 of the Welgevonden Home Owners’ Association Constitution that it has approved new control measures at an Excom meeting held on 26 January 2023.

These measures became necessary due to ongoing complaints being received at the Welgevonden Estate security and administrative offices of motorists and motorcyclists speeding while driving on the estate.

In terms of Clause 59A.5 of the constitution you are notified that the maximum speed limit in Welgevonden Estate is reduced from 40 km/h (forty kilometres per hour) to 30 km/h (thirty kilometres per hour), effective from 1 March 2023.

Additional speed humps and two more flashing speed display signs will also be installed to further help calm down traffic, while applicable road signs and appropriate notices will be placed to create awareness about the speed limit, and the importance of adhering to it.

Estate management will be monitoring the situation. If there is no improvement, it would necessitate considering the implementation of speed prosecution in compliance with legislation, together with the issuing of fines.

Estate management is committed to ensuring that Welgevonden Estate remains a family-friendly estate where road safety is a priority.

Alternative electricity supply

Estate management regularly receives enquiries about the installation of solar power systems at houses on Welgevonden Estate, and the use of generators during load shedding. Below are the requirements as set out in the WHOA statutory documents.

A. Photovoltaic (solar) panels

Section 5.13(f) of the WHOA Architectural Directives and Design Guidelines (AD&DG) stipulates that photovoltaic panels are allowed. The angle at which the panel is mounted must lie flush with the roof, and the frame and fittings must match the roof colour.

Section 5.8.1 of the AD&DG does not provide for the mounting of photovoltaic panels on pergolas.

The AD&DG is not prescriptive regarding the rest of a solar power installation. In this regard homeowners must abide by national and local government regulations when installing such systems.

B. Generators

Rule 15B of the WHOA Estate Rules stipulates as follows:

  • 15B.1 No generator may be installed without the prior written permission of Excom, on such conditions as it deems fit.

  • 15B.2 A generator may be installed, based on the following conditions:

  • 15B.2.1 Generators must be positioned in a way that they are not visible from the street.

  • 15B.2.2 Generators must have a manufacturer’s low noise level function measuring 75 d/m (seventy-five).

  • 15B.2.3 If the generator is installed on the outside of the building, it must be screened off to the satisfaction of Excom.

  • 15B.2.4 All visible cabling must be placed in an approved duct as prescribed in the industry and to the satisfaction of Excom.

  • 15B.2.5 All generators must be equipped with a change-over switch.

  • 15B.3 It is the Owner’s responsibility to ensure that the installation is done according to the relevant laws, by-laws and regulations.

Solar thermal systems (solar geysers)

Section 5.13(e) of the WHOA AD&DG stipulates: Solar thermal systems are permitted with the criteria that only the remote tank and evacuated tube type solar panel system may be used, and the panel must be mounted in a position that will not reflect to neighbours. Any remote equipment and the solar tank must be located within the roof. The angle at which the panel is mounted must lie flush with the roof, and the frame and fittings to match the roof colour. Detail fitting arrangement and position of equipment must be shown on plan and elevation submitted to the Estate Manager for approval.

Please contact the Welgevonden Estate office if you are unsure about the installation of an alternative energy supply solution.

Best regards

Gawie Marx

Estate Manager

10 February 2023

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