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Welgevonden Estate: Estate Manager’s newsletter: May 2023

Dear Welgevonden Estate Homeowners and Residents

Upgrading of the Welgevonden dam

Thank you to all homeowners for your interest shown in the special general meeting that was held on 4 May 2023 to approve supplementary expenditure for the upgrade of the Welgevonden dam. Thank you for the questions you’ve submitted before the meeting which allowed us to provide clarification, and thank you for attending the meeting itself.

We are pleased to announce that the meeting voted in favour of the resolution by an absolute majority of votes.

Commencement of the upgrade project / No public access to the dam area

OHB Construction was appointed as contractor for the dam upgrade project after an extensive tender selection process, and will be on site from Monday 15 May 2023. From this date onwards biometric access to the dam area will be deactivated, and residents will not have access to the construction site until completion of the project. Project duration is estimated to be three months.

Construction have been planned to cause as little as possible disruption to residents, and to take care of the environment at the same time. Construction and building activities should not affect the fish in or the ducks and other wildlife on the dam. Furthermore, the entrance to the dam area and the contractor’s site office will be completely screened off with shade cloth, and residents are cautioned to stay away from the site for safety reasons.

Termites – please inspect your property!

Termite nests were found on some of Welgevonden Estate’s public open spaces, and were subsequently treated by a contractor. Based upon follow-up inspections, we believe that the situation is now under control.

These insects are known for their ability to chew through wood such as flooring and roof trusses, and can cause substantial damage to buildings. We therefore urge homeowners to thoroughly inspect their properties for signs of termites, and to take the necessary steps to get rid of them, if present.

Below are measures, not at all comprehensive, that homeowners can implement to avoid termite nests on their properties:

  • Inspect your homes and erfs for signs of termite activity, such as bubbling paints, mud tubes and wood that sounds hollow when tapped, and apply professional treatment if termites are present.

  • Make sure water drains away from your house.

  • Don’t let water build up around your home's foundation. Termites like that!

  • Replace any damp or damaged wood on the outside of your home.

  • Make sure firewood and scrap wood is stored away from your house.

Review of the external appearance of houses in Welgevonden Estate

Thank you to those homeowners who have attended to the external maintenance of their houses and those who are still doing so, following the review inspections done earlier this year.

Follow-up inspections are scheduled to start in June this year.

Monthly open forum events

Please take note that the monthly open forum to informally discuss matters that residents would want to bring to the estate manager’s attention, have been discontinued. This was done since there was no longer a demand for this service.

However, homeowners and residents are invited, as always, to make appointments for a meeting with the estate manager at any time. You are welcome to send an e-mail to or phone Anneke on 021 889 5450 to make an appointment.

Xone Security contract manager

Johan de Wet, Xone Security’s contract manager for Welgevonden Estate, has been appointed in a new position within Xone Security, and will be leaving Welgevonden Estate on 12 May 2023.

Johan has been at Welgevonden Estate since October 2016, initially as Xone’s assistant contract manager, taking over in August 2020 as contract manager. We thank him for the outstanding service he has rendered and wish him all the best in his new position.

At the same time we welcome Ettienne Cloete, who is taking over from Johan, to Welgevonden Estate. We trust that he will enjoy working with our team and residents.


Ettienne Cloete (left) and Johan de Wet


Best regards

Gawie Marx

Estate Manager

11 May 2023

This site is developed and managed by the Welgevonden Homeowners' Association. All rights, including copyright, reserved.
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