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Welgevonden Estate: Estate Manager’s newsletter: July 2024

Dear Welgevonden Estate Homeowners and Residents


Landscaping at the Welgevonden dam

In the June 2024 newsletter we reported on progress with hard and soft landscaping at the Welgevonden dam. The sunny days we currently have gave us an opportunity to take photographs which illustrate the difference this work already brings to the dam area. The project continues, and we’re aiming to have everything done by the end of this winter.

Maintenance of paved sections, visitor parking areas and poorts

Also reported on in the previous newsletter, is the programme to maintain and upgrade the appearance of Welgevonden Estate’s paved sections, visitor parking areas, and poort passageways. The following pictures, as an example, show the recent upgrade of a parking area in Katbos Street from gravel to a chipped stone surface and perimeter posts. This is an ongoing programme.

An opportunity to make a difference!    

We again – as we did last year – plan an outreach programme to support aid-dependent organisations in Cloetesville, Welgevonden Estate’s next-door neighbourhood. We invite Welgevonden Estate residents wanting to help make a difference to join in!


To begin with, we are collecting blankets (all kinds – old or new) to donate to the residents of Huis Ebenaeser, a place of care for more than 100 senior citizens. Being winter, we invite Welgevonden Estate residents to donate blankets to keep those who are most vulnerable warm during the cold.

  • Drop-off point: Please deliver your contribution to the estate office (R44 entrance) between 10:00 and 16:00 on weekdays.

  • Closing date: We are planning to hand deliver the blankets to Huis Ebenaeser on 29 July 2024. We would therefore appreciate your donations by latest Friday 26 July 2024.


More aid initiatives for other service organisations in our neighbouring community will follow which Welgevonden Estate residents will also be able to support.


The above Welgevonden Estate community initiative will go a long way towards helping those who are less fortunate. Please join in!

Warmth in the home

Following on from last month’s insert on safety precautions when using standalone heaters, we include tips this month on how you can save money while heating your home.

  • If available, use a thermostat to control the temperature in the room and save electricity, especially when using high-wattage electric heaters that can reach unneeded high temperatures. Ensure you know how to set and fully utilise the thermostat. Users often set the thermostat at its maximum temperature setting, which negates the heater’s functionality of switching off and on at desired temperatures. As a result, the heater operates at full power continuously, without turning off at a lower, comfortable temperature, thus consuming more electricity than necessary.

  • Select the right heater for the size of the room in which it is used. Using inefficient heaters that reach high temperatures in small rooms is pointless and wasteful.

  • Close windows, curtains, and doors when heating a room to retain warmth and prevent cold air seeping in from the outside. (Remember to ensure proper ventilation, especially when using gas heaters, open-flame heaters, or fireplaces, to maintain fresh air flow.)

  • Place insulation in ceilings, as a significant amount of heat escapes through these areas. Similarly, cold air from outside penetrates the room through the roof and ceiling.

  • Switch heaters off when not in use.

  • Where possible, create living areas in the naturally warmest parts of your home. Heating these areas is more economical as it requires less electricity compared to heating colder areas that demand more energy.


School holidays

For those away during the school holidays or planning a break before school reopens, enjoy your time off and travel safely!


Best regards


Gawie Marx

Estate Manager

1 July 2024

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