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Welgevonden Estate: Builders’ holiday 2021 arrangements

Dear Welgevonden Homeowners and Residents

The annual builders' holiday starts on Monday 20 December 2021, and ends on Sunday 9 January 2022. All building sites on Welgevonden Estate must be properly closed off today, 17 December, or at the latest Saturday 18 December 2021 at 15:00.

During this period all building sites must remain properly closed off according to building requirements, no building materials and/or tools may be stored or left outside the building site enclosures, and transportable toilets for contractors must be positioned within the enclosed site areas. Furthermore, no construction, building or renovation activities will be allowed on Welgevonden Estate, and contractors will not be allowed to enter the estate during this period.

Owners who fail to comply in this regard will be issued with penalties in terms of the Estate Rules.

Best regards

Gawie Marx

Estate Manager

17 December 2021

This site is developed and managed by the Welgevonden Homeowners' Association. All rights, including copyright, reserved.
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