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Notice: Spraying of weeds on Welgevonden Estate’s public green areas (parks)

Dear Home Owners and Residents

As required by the Fertilizers, Farm Feeds, Agricultural Remedies and Stock Remedies Act (No 36 of 1947) we hereby give notice that a contractor has been appointed to treat Welgevonden Estate’s public green areas with herbicide to combat broadleaf and other weeds.

Planned dates and times of spraying

Spraying will take place on Wednesday 26 October 2022, from 08:00 – 17:00, depending on the wind and the weather.

Areas to be treated

All public areas, parks and green belt areas in Welgevonden Estate.

Details of the appointed contractor:

Henchem – company registration number 2018/390446/07 – has been appointed as contractor to do the work. The company is registered with the Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (registration number: P39004).

Product to be used

  • Product type: Super LawnWeeder (L4370) and Lawntyl (L8357)

  • Where applied: Lawns, golf courses, bowling greens, sporting fields, etc.

  • Composition: simazine 250g/l; Terbuthylazine 250g/l; MCPA; MCPA 400g/l

The product is administered by means of spraying, and poses a low toxic risk to humans, animals and the environment. (Spray height does not exceed 500 mm.) It is, however, recommended that those suffering from asthma or other breathing problems keep their doors and windows closed while spraying is underway in their proximity. HENCHEM makes use of CDA (Controlled Droplet Application) spray equipment to virtually eliminate drift (2000% reduction). This drastically increases safety for people and surrounding vegetation.

Access to treated areas

Treated areas can be accessed the following day after spraying.

Please ensure that your family members, visitors, employees and others who might be on your premises are informed about the above and that they avoid the areas while spraying is underway, and until the following day after spraying.


It is impossible to demarcate the areas to be treated due to their size and vastness, but notices will be put up to remind residents that spraying will be taking place.

Please contact the Welgevonden Estate office on 021 889 5450 if you require more information.

Best regards

Gawie Marx

Estate Manager

18 October 2022

This site is developed and managed by the Welgevonden Homeowners' Association. All rights, including copyright, reserved.
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