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Carols by Candlelight 2021

A large number of Welgevonden Estate residents attended the Welgevonden Estate Carols by Candlelight event on 11 December. The programme included vocal performances by individual Welgevonden Estate residents, singing of carols along with instrumental accompaniment, as well as Santa Claus handing out gifts to the children.

A big thank you to estate resident Karin Meyer for arranging this special event, and for doing it with such enthusiasm and in such detail! Thank you, also, to all who helped with the arrangements and to those who contributed with their skills and talents. You’ve created a special moment in time during which the Welgevonden Estate people could pause for a while to enjoy the goodwill of Christmas in the company of those who are part of our very special community!

Thank you, also, to David Papenfus Photographer who took these (and more) wonderful photographs! We appreciate, especially, your time and skills as a professional photographer (and a Welgevonden Estate resident...) to capture this wonderful event for the Welgevonden Estate community - and for doing it at no cost to the estate! We really appreciate your contribution so that we can now have a visual memory of this beautiful occasion!

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